Estimates of the Impacts, Benefits, Usage,
and Support for Different Transportation Modes

(per person, based on a 7 mile daily commute)

Despite the fact that bicycle and transit transportation are healthy, beneficial to the environment and to the community, and inexpensive for individuals, employers and government, they are underutilized and poorly supported by government and employers compared with automobile transportation.
                      | Bicycle | Transit (1)    | Car
                      |         |                |
Average speed (mph)   | 10 to 15| 10 to 20       | 15 to 40
                      |         |                |
Travel time           | 30 to 40| 20 to 40       | 10 to 30
(minutes/trip)        |         |                |
                      |         |                |
ANNUAL COSTS          |         |                |
  Ownership           | 50 to   | 0              | 1000 to 6000
  ($/year)            | 100     |                |
                      |         |                |
                      |         |                |
  Operating           | 50 to   | 400 to 500     | 500 to 1000
  ($/year)            | 100     |                |
                      |         |                |
  Parking ($/year)    | 0       | 0              | 0 to 2500
                      |         |                |
ENVIRONMENTAL         |         |                |
IMPACTS               |         |                |
  Air  pollution (2)  | 0       | 1 to 20        | 100 to 300
  (pounds/yr)         |         |                |
                      |         |                |
  Noise pollution     | Very    | Low to High    | Moderate to
                      | low     |                | High
                      |         |                |
  Annual fuel use     | 0       | 20 to 40       | 100 to 250
  (gallons of         |         |                |
  gasoline            |         |                |
  equivalent  per     |         |                |
  person)             |         |                |
                      |         |                |
HEALTH/SAFETY         |         |                |
IMPACTS               |         |                |
  Calories burned     | 500     | 150            | 50
  per day  by user    |         |                |
                      |         |                |
  Danger to others,   | Very    | Low            | High
  including           | low     |                |
  bicyclists and      |         |                |
  pedestrians         |         |                |
                      |         |                |
TRAFFIC   CONGESTION  | Very    | Low to None    | High
IMPACT                | low     |                |
                      |         |                |
SUPPORT AND USAGE     |         |                |
  Percent of          | less    | less than 5%   | around 90%
  employers           | than 10%|                |
  encouraging mode(3) |         |                |
                      |         |                |
  Percent of          | less    | around 15%     |  around 85%
  government ground   | than 5% |                |
  transportation      |         |                |
  spending            |         |                |
                      |         |                |
  Percent of          |         |                |
  commuters using     |         |                |
  mode                |         |                |
      Nationwide:     | less    |  5%            |  85%
                      | than 3% |                |
      To downtown     |         |                |
      Boston:         | less    |  45%           |  45%
                      | than 3% |                |

1: includes a 1/4 mile walk/bike on each end of the transit trip, impacts are per person, assuming full bus/train
2: air pollution comprises carbon monoxide and smog- forming chemicals
3: "encouragement" means employer provides showers and designated, inside bicycle parking, discounted transit pass,or free car parking;
Figures refer to the Boston region.
Table prepared by Kirk R. Barrett, PhD,PE, Barrett Environmental Consulting (Wakefield, Mass) from various sources
[Boston Commuter Challenge 1997] [Boston Bike Week 1997] [Boston Bicycle Festival]