Bicycle Driver Training (see schedule)

I already know how to ride a bike. Why would I need to take a bicycling class?

We hear that a lot. But those who complete a Bicycle Driver Training class are amazed at how much there is to learn and how much better a cyclist they've become. Here's what one graduate said: "I have been able to put much of what I have learned into use immediately. I am much more confident in traffic and with my and the motorist's responsibilities. I gear and pedal more correctly thereby making my trips easier and more interesting. I would recommend this course without reservation to anyone." Another wrote: "I wanted to let you know that I've been a biking maniac!!! Last week, I went on three group rides, even during the rain. It was awesome! This Sunday, the 'short' ride was 31.7 miles! And I finished it! I tried to apply a lot of what I learned, from gearing down when I stop to use of lanes. It's been really helpful. Your class was worth every penny! I've been telling everyone in the group I ride."

2002 Bicycle Driver Training Schedule

Basic Course

The Basic Course is appropriate for those with anywhere from little to significant bicycling experience. It covers pedaling style, gear changing, handling skills, fixing flats, principles of traffic operation, and cyclists' rights and responsibilities under the law. Students develop skill, knowledge, and confidence through lecture, demonstration, and both parking lot and on-road practice.
  • Northampton: Two Saturdays, August 24 and 31, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm both days. You attend both sessions for the course. Northampton location to be announced later. The cost is $90 per person, $75 for MassBike members. To register, please contact instructor Diane Jacoby at or 413-259-1317.

  • Cambridge:Sept. 28 & Oct. 5, 2 Saturdays, 9 am to 3 pm.
    Register through Brookline Adult Ed. Class T077. The cost is $85. Call 617-730-2700 to register or register on line at

  • Another two-session class will be held September 29 and October 6 at a Pioneer Valley location to be announced. You attend both sessions for the course. The cost is $75 per person for MassBike members, $90 per person for non-members. To register, please contact instructor Diane Jacoby at or 413-259-1317.

Advanced Course

This session is aimed at cyclists who have considerable riding experience, but the basic course is not a prerequisite. Students should be familiar with proper bicycle fit and cadence. The course will focus on difficult traffic maneuvers such as left turns, unions and diverges, and rotaries. Emergency maneuvers (quick turn, quick stop, rock dodge) will also be taught.
Contact us for 2002 schedule.

BDT Instructor Training

Become a cycling instructor. Teach adults and children how to ride safely and efficiently. Prerequisite: you must pass the Basic Course with a 90% or better score. Training session takes one weekend. Contact us if interested.

More information: Paul Schimek, or 617-417-0478


Effective Cycling Instructor Joel Parks demonstrates a quick turn (photo).
Effective Cycling Instructor Joel Parks demonstrates a quick turn.
photo: Paul Schimek

For the basic course, a certificate is issued upon successful completion of written and on-road bicycle driver's tests. Many students have overcome fears of riding in traffic through participating in this course, designed for teens and adults. The class is appropriate whether your preference is city or country riding.

What to bring to class:

For more information contact:
Diane Jacoby, or 413-259-1317.
Paul Schimek, or 617-417-0478.